
The Works of William Perkins, Volume 2 is unavailable, but you can change that!

This second volume contains Perkins’s Commentary on Galatians. Perkins preached on Galatians each Lord’s Day for over three years. Ralph Cudworth obtained Perkins’s handwritten notes and edited them for publication. Because Perkins did not complete the commentary, Cudworth supplemented the manuscript with his own comments on chapter 6. This commentary of Perkins and Cudworth on Galatians first...

doctrines may be discerned, namely, that they serve only to trouble and disquiet43 the good conscience. And by this we see the Roman religion to be corrupt and unsound, for a great part of it tends this way. Justification by works is a yoke that none could ever bear (Acts 15). The vow of single life is as a snare, or as the noose in the halter44 to strangle the soul (1 Cor. 7:3–4). So is the doctrine which teaches that men after their conversion must still remain in suspense of their salvation,
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